วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Step To Grow Celery

I had often used fresh leaf celery for food of salad yum, green smoothie soup, green juice and most even seen normally in my town with the leaf celery chopped vegetable topped on food. I couldn't resist the smell of celery when you taste it crispy. it the same snack food.
it all my said bring on me to grow celery. i can find seed with Thai-grocery store, you can just get everything and there's all way so many different kinds of it.

when you are buy celery at open-market air it really cheap food, so many different price kinds of market.

21 july 2015 I had an old-pot. it made from tire car . widely open all drainage. Also I should must be not long roots for grown plants. This pot had 24 inches tall and wide the same as tire car. I love to used cycling tire for grown plant in pot. this is something good for quality of re-used product while still being able to make good profit caused by carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

I've got some homemade compost. it does dry cow manure have any straw or wood chip mixed in soil. the soil can be made from anything that decomposes, mushroom compost, grass clippings, chipped wood from branches, manure from animals, coconut husk chip fiber surface. I had to use generally soil in tropical regions. it's super cheap. So the seed does get energy just plant germinated, soil compost is more nutritious.

Go to start cow manure on the pot and mix it, be sure to wear a dust mask.I'm having break up the soil by the hoe hand, sow seeds down about random the area. it can the soil to be light and airy to add this thing.

I do let them watering to just moist, too frequently 2-3 times a week and covered the light by branch coconut dry through a little. The branch coconut found it easy and got free.

30 july 2015 I'm open the gate light. it's awesome. They crack it goes fast. it's pretty grown up and be fine germinates. the plant look great. it would be best to grow environment outside, the growing temperature 77-86 degrees fahrenheit is available try to minimize the preferred 8 hours of sunlight. keep the soil moist though till sprout. it begins stretching up through a very small  couple leaf, the center it will produce new stem leaf.

when the plant final grown.the pot were taller celery root, that the roots aren't visible underneath the pot through the drainage holes.

