วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Mango dip extreme sauce

Credit photo from California Exotic Specialty Fruits Page from facebook 

The person lover mango fresh dip sour favorite. Dipping Thai sauce. The extreme food suitable for people can't snap daytime and who do not like coffee. This food very popular among teenage girls or women in the office and some men like it. 

Currently, the fresh mangoes can be eaten every season according to the type of taste. Yellow Mango,  and sweet Mango there are harvest hot season in March to June of every year. And sour mango to be able produce all season.

Mango in the tropics regions is a food culture and evolved development Thai food together such a kind table food and sweet food. 

The form of foods changing patterns of consumption behavior people in Thai society. Mixed with other countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and with capitalist economies. It gives birth to new food forms of creativity.

In the old style of society, the legacy of food to the present is mango dipping sauce. We do not know exactly what national culture comes from. Everyone in Thailand, men and women or heterosexuals, are known to be buzzing without advertising like fast food company. This food heart of Thai people. 

In Thailand, the majority of women transgender hit food table the most. Having fun with friend squad or crispy food to relax from work.
Prepare to food using fresh mango sour kind. Dipping with sauce with taste spicy sweet and shrimp paste or dried shrimp. It's was so extreme taste. 

In the past 30 years, you will not be able to find mangoes in the off season. By the beginning of genetic engineering, mangoes are eaten at times as needed. It can be said that the world's consumerism.

Mango sour is different kind of Thai and foreign varieties such as.
1 fresh mango rough, crispy and sour dilute taste suitable for those who do not like sour taste.
2 Mango crispy, easy chew soft, sour extreme. There are shape small fruit. 

For interested in contact product as well picture you will go to shop California Exotic Specialty Fruits page from Facebook. 

