I had often used fresh leaf celery for food of salad yum, green smoothie soup, green juice and most even seen normally in my town with the leaf celery chopped vegetable topped on food. I couldn't resist the smell of celery when you taste it crispy. it the same snack food.
it all my said bring on me to grow celery. i can find seed with Thai-grocery store, you can just get everything and there's all way so many different kinds of it.
when you are buy celery at open-market air it really cheap food, so many different price kinds of market.
21 july 2015 I had an old-pot. it made from tire car . widely open all drainage. Also I should must be not long roots for grown plants. This pot had 24 inches tall and wide the same as tire car. I love to used cycling tire for grown plant in pot. this is something good for quality of re-used product while still being able to make good profit caused by carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
I've got some homemade compost. it does dry cow manure have any straw or wood chip mixed in soil. the soil can be made from anything that decomposes, mushroom compost, grass clippings, chipped wood from branches, manure from animals, coconut husk chip fiber surface. I had to use generally soil in tropical regions. it's super cheap. So the seed does get energy just plant germinated, soil compost is more nutritious.
Go to start cow manure on the pot and mix it, be sure to wear a dust mask.I'm having break up the soil by the hoe hand, sow seeds down about random the area. it can the soil to be light and airy to add this thing.
I do let them watering to just moist, too frequently 2-3 times a week and covered the light by branch coconut dry through a little. The branch coconut found it easy and got free.
30 july 2015 I'm open the gate light. it's awesome. They crack it goes fast. it's pretty grown up and be fine germinates. the plant look great. it would be best to grow environment outside, the growing temperature 77-86 degrees fahrenheit is available try to minimize the preferred 8 hours of sunlight. keep the soil moist though till sprout. it begins stretching up through a very small couple leaf, the center it will produce new stem leaf.
when the plant final grown.the pot were taller celery root, that the roots aren't visible underneath the pot through the drainage holes.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
Making Rice Field My First Experiance
8 July let to till dish plough in my rice field by Kubota tractor. They are soil around area clay and a sandy soil. Soil is being ripped or deep tilled in this field so that rice plant can be planted.
All the rice field for 1.6 acre, located in the northeast of Thai. Irrigate concrete stream with rain dam, my field in the area irrigate for agriculture boundary. The rice plant needed water 4 months since the rice germinating to winter (December) rice ready for harvest.
Today I pay 5 $ ( diesel oil 4 litres) for till the dirt 1.6 acre
This year 2015 season grows rice so delayed monsoon has affected seedling/paddy cultivation in Thai. Normally paddy/seedling plantation is carried out by mid-July. but lack of monsoon rain has delayed the plantation. But the news weather reported increased rainfall in August month has helped farmers.
19 july open gate irrigate with rain fall water in the rice field. the soil must be soak in the water for twenty-four hours. The soil is the way to go that the result pliable, the soil mix with straw and leaf and cassava tree from harvested older season converse by a ferment.
20 july get a start Rotary (break up the soil) the soil looks like mud soil. This is that are key ingredients/recipe to happy healthy growing roots rice. Keep the propagation media moist but not soak it.
I choose Thai Pathumthani fragrant rice. it was rice soft and white type to considered
ฺBefore getting sow rice by machine before grow rice, it should soaking for twenty-four hours and let get it for fourth-eight hours get to dry . once rice seed cracked open with main root pops out a little . This is completely to sow seed.
I have to start to sow rice at 24 july 2015
The rice seeds will pop up threw the soil any day after two days they were planted, that's a lot of root, the seed long roots and the seedling breaks ground. Meanwhile the new leaf will stretch long searching for light. Definitely have there be lighting when the plant sprouts to avoid stretching
The grass was start germinated growing together seedling rice planted. Our grass has been a nightmare for overtaking our rice. There are clear the grass was attacked to have with a pesticide ( Pretilachlor) .
The sign of pesticide then fortunately the grass was controled slow germinating the grass doesn't get stretching up . I have to use under warning that check the packet for information about pesticide. I am currently using pesticide mixed with water, pesticide 0.8 litres:800 litres water for my field 1.6 acres
26 august I has took a picture a paddy rice field in fold my iphone
I stand here the same place to look a beautiful my field. My rice plant grow to long leafs about rate my eye 12 inch. The leafs stretching up to get direct sun all day. The rice used to be all the time they had been watering for grow.The rice plant for growing semiaquatic rice, should not deep water. The color leafs rice plant has a light green.
My rice field has a grasses, the leafs looks like a rice leafs, the only difference grass leafs with has curved leafs. They became grow spread random my area rice about a little.I'm not seriously. They has been found of grasses three variety. The were ordinarily less isolated.
The smell of the rice plant of the fresh natural and pure air. Love the green color of rice plant + beautiful nature rocks.
3 September
They have already sprouted and grew over in 40 days height. The time passes my rice plants need moderate amount of water to keep them healthy. About grown plant depending on a moist the soil is to the touch. They stayed in the water a low level too long ( 120 days). They went to produce rice. At 4 September morning. I had some chemical fertilizer to support more growth. I used chemical fertilizer version. I had to composted chemical fertilizer 16-20-0 for 100 kg and 46-0-0 for 50 kg for mixed use for rice field 1.6 acre
When I was ready mixed chemical fertilizer to start the next is sow chemical fertilizer by machine. These modern methods make it for the rice plants to produce. They have been progressively. As the time passes seven days . When I'm standing in a rice field of them watching the same place in which black green color the plants.
The surface leaf light green color changes color going a black green. The chemical fertilizer giving the rice plants their incredibly green nature look. it grows up reaching well at higher that is really eye catching.
All the rice field for 1.6 acre, located in the northeast of Thai. Irrigate concrete stream with rain dam, my field in the area irrigate for agriculture boundary. The rice plant needed water 4 months since the rice germinating to winter (December) rice ready for harvest.
Today I pay 5 $ ( diesel oil 4 litres) for till the dirt 1.6 acre
This year 2015 season grows rice so delayed monsoon has affected seedling/paddy cultivation in Thai. Normally paddy/seedling plantation is carried out by mid-July. but lack of monsoon rain has delayed the plantation. But the news weather reported increased rainfall in August month has helped farmers.
my field in the area irrigate for agriculture boundary
20 july get a start Rotary (break up the soil) the soil looks like mud soil. This is that are key ingredients/recipe to happy healthy growing roots rice. Keep the propagation media moist but not soak it.
I choose Thai Pathumthani fragrant rice. it was rice soft and white type to considered
ฺBefore getting sow rice by machine before grow rice, it should soaking for twenty-four hours and let get it for fourth-eight hours get to dry . once rice seed cracked open with main root pops out a little . This is completely to sow seed.
I have to start to sow rice at 24 july 2015
The rice seeds will pop up threw the soil any day after two days they were planted, that's a lot of root, the seed long roots and the seedling breaks ground. Meanwhile the new leaf will stretch long searching for light. Definitely have there be lighting when the plant sprouts to avoid stretching
The grass was start germinated growing together seedling rice planted. Our grass has been a nightmare for overtaking our rice. There are clear the grass was attacked to have with a pesticide ( Pretilachlor) .
The sign of pesticide then fortunately the grass was controled slow germinating the grass doesn't get stretching up . I have to use under warning that check the packet for information about pesticide. I am currently using pesticide mixed with water, pesticide 0.8 litres:800 litres water for my field 1.6 acres
26 august I has took a picture a paddy rice field in fold my iphone
I stand here the same place to look a beautiful my field. My rice plant grow to long leafs about rate my eye 12 inch. The leafs stretching up to get direct sun all day. The rice used to be all the time they had been watering for grow.The rice plant for growing semiaquatic rice, should not deep water. The color leafs rice plant has a light green.
My rice field has a grasses, the leafs looks like a rice leafs, the only difference grass leafs with has curved leafs. They became grow spread random my area rice about a little.I'm not seriously. They has been found of grasses three variety. The were ordinarily less isolated.
The smell of the rice plant of the fresh natural and pure air. Love the green color of rice plant + beautiful nature rocks.
3 September
They have already sprouted and grew over in 40 days height. The time passes my rice plants need moderate amount of water to keep them healthy. About grown plant depending on a moist the soil is to the touch. They stayed in the water a low level too long ( 120 days). They went to produce rice. At 4 September morning. I had some chemical fertilizer to support more growth. I used chemical fertilizer version. I had to composted chemical fertilizer 16-20-0 for 100 kg and 46-0-0 for 50 kg for mixed use for rice field 1.6 acre
When I was ready mixed chemical fertilizer to start the next is sow chemical fertilizer by machine. These modern methods make it for the rice plants to produce. They have been progressively. As the time passes seven days . When I'm standing in a rice field of them watching the same place in which black green color the plants.
The surface leaf light green color changes color going a black green. The chemical fertilizer giving the rice plants their incredibly green nature look. it grows up reaching well at higher that is really eye catching.
90 days rice plants
this photo at 23 october 2015 for rice plants age 90 days. The rice plants was started to produce on the ground that a color green fields. This amazing look around scenery nature landscape. A rice seed getting green color and emerge rice straw viewed green light. When had it open rice seed crack. The inside rice seed was white milk rice and that smell good taste.
The getting reveals that situation rice seed flower covered by leafs rice plant. There are interesting rice seed lower than leaf. If I long walks far from my rice field. I'm standing on the dirt road, you will see viewed only green leaf of rice plants. Occasionally another variety rice nearside my field. I've ever seen rice seed flower higher than leaf rice plants and shell of the rice covered leaf rice plants.Some kind made it feeling golden rice fields
The straw center of plant had a big and strong to set weight rice seed flower. this straw it had completely nutrition function, the rice seed flower emerged from the main straw.
29 November 2015 time to harvest
29 November 2015 time to harvest
This year I will have first harvest of tiny rice. The plantation
with is beautiful, to cut rice plants has its benefit. one seen grown that produce a lot of food.
23 november day ultimately to harvest. that schedule cuttinghay was busy work. the time so delayed .
Everything has change the weather, rice seed and the plants. this time in the winter season . The milk rice change to entirely white rice, that shed delicate yellow-red skin seed and leaves, that to main sign to harvest 2015.
this winter season 2015 my rice ready for harvest. The rice seed flowers are starting to curve down to the ground despite being to process or period of gathering in crop.
the nights of winter I can't hear the rice fields of sound, insects, birds, frogs but the sounds of rat is only one of life.
The way of win in winter attacked to the rice slope down on the ground and someimes the rain was coming in winter season that was weather difficult November so the most raindrop on a seed rice in the morning winter .Dry rice plants has a perfect straw, are fully nutrition source. Usually the farmer had ever free burn. I'm couldn't burn it and sell it to animal. I keep it for 3 months and till the soil to soft narrow.
The way of win in winter attacked to the rice slope down on the ground and someimes the rain was coming in winter season that was weather difficult November so the most raindrop on a seed rice in the morning winter .Dry rice plants has a perfect straw, are fully nutrition source. Usually the farmer had ever free burn. I'm couldn't burn it and sell it to animal. I keep it for 3 months and till the soil to soft narrow.
transfer it in the truck
วันอังคารที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
Grow Chili pepper on the ground
Chilies are widely used across the world as symbol of spicy, hot, angry, cooked and used ingredients of international food. Chili pepper it is popular in Asian recipes. I also heard it is very popular in the cuisine East Asia like India and abroad. Chili originated in the Americas, were brought to Asia by Portuguese trades. Have a spicy hot taste, most popular pepper varieties.
A little area for grow a baby chili with growing seedling in a small pot, and i'm going to put him is covered by trees,with little sun getting through, give it water not to much, the rain water are
I grew a 1 foot pepper plant. I'm pull it out of the ground for grow new place in a garden backyard and there is a lot of sun.
My garden sharing a 3x6 metres bed grow baby pepper I choose cow mold dry mix and soil recipe, start digging with hand make it hole as this help with the drainage as pepper generally grow in fresh conditions.
20 July 2015 the shape and structure of leaf are currently wide fast growing shoots and color it dark green, trunk chili get very strong and taller. if you see closely that is leaf vain.
The light that builds and grows has to produce leaf and color white flower new stem. They are full bloom allow to become pollinate cross breed by bees, and that female flowers not-pollinated so they will just drop off.
My chili leafs was infected to be aware of the spotted yellow color i cut the leaf to waste and getting burn but it was infected appear again, and though i have never come across this problem before i had suggested from internet info let it clear that patch of ground of any plants because they may be potential hosts for adults, if you are going to try again to plant in the same area, the plant at cotyledon stage for signs of early infestation, if signs of infestation then unfortunately you are going to have to treat with a pesticide.
I haven't use this way to treat with a pesticide because the fruit are not to safe for food but At the time so lucky the monsoon was rainfall in 7 days, the leafs was so fresh and green dark leaf so that no spotted yellow i think that rain fall made it spotted yellow disappear.
A little area for grow a baby chili with growing seedling in a small pot, and i'm going to put him is covered by trees,with little sun getting through, give it water not to much, the rain water are
I grew a 1 foot pepper plant. I'm pull it out of the ground for grow new place in a garden backyard and there is a lot of sun.
My garden sharing a 3x6 metres bed grow baby pepper I choose cow mold dry mix and soil recipe, start digging with hand make it hole as this help with the drainage as pepper generally grow in fresh conditions.
20 July 2015 the shape and structure of leaf are currently wide fast growing shoots and color it dark green, trunk chili get very strong and taller. if you see closely that is leaf vain.
The light that builds and grows has to produce leaf and color white flower new stem. They are full bloom allow to become pollinate cross breed by bees, and that female flowers not-pollinated so they will just drop off.
My chili leafs was infected to be aware of the spotted yellow color i cut the leaf to waste and getting burn but it was infected appear again, and though i have never come across this problem before i had suggested from internet info let it clear that patch of ground of any plants because they may be potential hosts for adults, if you are going to try again to plant in the same area, the plant at cotyledon stage for signs of early infestation, if signs of infestation then unfortunately you are going to have to treat with a pesticide.
I haven't use this way to treat with a pesticide because the fruit are not to safe for food but At the time so lucky the monsoon was rainfall in 7 days, the leafs was so fresh and green dark leaf so that no spotted yellow i think that rain fall made it spotted yellow disappear.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
The First Grow Papaya
I could get too clay soil for grow a baby papaya. They are in a germinating clay soil and under ground too much stone. It is grown as corner garden area in the front yard.
I begin a baby papaya at May 2015 and now a day at 6 July 2015. The young papaya tree passed 2 months ago is growing slow. I think it had a pretty tree to place marking the front of home building.
I search this corner area for grow a baby papaya. I till the dirt by a hand hoe 15x15 inch, deep 20 inch, the soil is clay not a easy to dig. I'm pour water help my recipe pliable grow. I've mix cow mulch and soil for planting adding nutrients, the soil could be lacking, put a baby papaya in the holes, covered soil and getting water.
7 July 2015
a papaya trees seem to be growing off of the trunk, trunk papaya has started to get a light green color. Papaya needs a tropical and humid climate to grow properly, that are given high N fertilizer in cow mulch. The plant need to be outside environment.
While i should grow papaya? I think,Papaya growers that grow fruit for the fresh trade and very successful, a properly ripened papaya is juicy, sweetish and somewhat like a cantaloupe in flavor, so that green papaya is most often used as a vegetable.
It depends on what type of papaya genders such as male tree, female tree, male and female in the same tree ( are bisexual trees).
One male flower looks like bouquet it was given to spread pollinate when it late time the flowers just drop and no fruits.
Papaya are female have been flowering for quite. She must to be help, the papaya plant need to be outside environment with other papaya plants so the birds and bees can play amount them. This will allow to become pollinate cross breed. The plant will and may not be able to screw it self-pollinate to produce papaya. Having female trees not-pollinated so they will just drop off
Type of bisexual papaya gender so are essentially self-pollinating to produce papaya. This is gender get papayas big-long size that were commercially trade. This variety might be good for your operation too.
I begin a baby papaya at May 2015 and now a day at 6 July 2015. The young papaya tree passed 2 months ago is growing slow. I think it had a pretty tree to place marking the front of home building.
I search this corner area for grow a baby papaya. I till the dirt by a hand hoe 15x15 inch, deep 20 inch, the soil is clay not a easy to dig. I'm pour water help my recipe pliable grow. I've mix cow mulch and soil for planting adding nutrients, the soil could be lacking, put a baby papaya in the holes, covered soil and getting water.
7 July 2015
a papaya trees seem to be growing off of the trunk, trunk papaya has started to get a light green color. Papaya needs a tropical and humid climate to grow properly, that are given high N fertilizer in cow mulch. The plant need to be outside environment.
While i should grow papaya? I think,Papaya growers that grow fruit for the fresh trade and very successful, a properly ripened papaya is juicy, sweetish and somewhat like a cantaloupe in flavor, so that green papaya is most often used as a vegetable.
It depends on what type of papaya genders such as male tree, female tree, male and female in the same tree ( are bisexual trees).
One male flower looks like bouquet it was given to spread pollinate when it late time the flowers just drop and no fruits.
Papaya are female have been flowering for quite. She must to be help, the papaya plant need to be outside environment with other papaya plants so the birds and bees can play amount them. This will allow to become pollinate cross breed. The plant will and may not be able to screw it self-pollinate to produce papaya. Having female trees not-pollinated so they will just drop off
Type of bisexual papaya gender so are essentially self-pollinating to produce papaya. This is gender get papayas big-long size that were commercially trade. This variety might be good for your operation too.
วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
Grow Shallots in the pot reused
The plant is starting in early July 2015, i have plant them in big tire re-used outdoor container, sharing a 50x50 inch bed with bulbs.
I had using a mixture of aged cow mold and soil for growing nutritious vegetables in spring. I used to straw covered soil try to keep temperatures room it regularly. It could also be the high amount of moisture, shallots don't like heavy or frequent watering
Shallot plant growing it will produces the leaves get very small and it begins stretching up through the center. At the same time main root pops out in the dirt it has to use so much energy to germinate with the stem facing down in deep hole.
As the covered soil by straw breaks down it will add nutrients to the soil and the soil will stay pliable and moist or another way it can put down hardwood mulch to conserve soil moisture in a little.
The shape and structure of shallot leaves like straw remains green in color, depending largely grow in full sun and leaves are not above ground. The leaves can also store food, it could also be used to make the dry foods, topped in fried, use of Asian recipes.
The shallot plant has no bark, no wood, no twigs, and no branches, it is not a tree, it is a herb, it could be produces straw leaves stem
The shallot herb can be grow by seed and bulbs, most edible shallot herb cannot be grown by cuttings. Those cutting will not grow an edible shallot herb. if you are cutting leaf, a new stem leafs can be grow.
I had using a mixture of aged cow mold and soil for growing nutritious vegetables in spring. I used to straw covered soil try to keep temperatures room it regularly. It could also be the high amount of moisture, shallots don't like heavy or frequent watering
Shallot plant growing it will produces the leaves get very small and it begins stretching up through the center. At the same time main root pops out in the dirt it has to use so much energy to germinate with the stem facing down in deep hole.
As the covered soil by straw breaks down it will add nutrients to the soil and the soil will stay pliable and moist or another way it can put down hardwood mulch to conserve soil moisture in a little.
mid-July 2015
The shallot plant has no bark, no wood, no twigs, and no branches, it is not a tree, it is a herb, it could be produces straw leaves stem
The shallot herb can be grow by seed and bulbs, most edible shallot herb cannot be grown by cuttings. Those cutting will not grow an edible shallot herb. if you are cutting leaf, a new stem leafs can be grow.
Grow pumpkin in backyard
I had bought pumpkin seeds from a nursery store at a near my home, I shoots were growing on two ways in a pot nurse and sow down in my garden. I really like pumpkin fruit.They are mild flavored lightly sweet and crispy natural mystic. It is growing by climbing very slowly. I choose it depends on what type of pumpkin varieties like sunrise, taste of sweet and crispy
3 july 2015
I have a recipe mix soil potting plastic for a baby pumpkin. I would a 1/2 liter pot 3 inches wide, and about 6 inches deep for main root transplant destination, to be growing a outdoor container. The pot through the drainage holes, the transplant that the roots are visible underneath.
Massive new leaves from pumpkin trees, the pumpkin had slow moved grow climbing on the ground. The plant produces leafs around the broad and that leafs covered by blade. sometime, the plant could be grow climbing on the twigs and branches dry. They have grown quite wide 3-4 metres.
Flowers of pumpkin
Once the flowers pumpkin begins to blossom and yellow color it. At morning time they has blossom, the flowers just close when full sun of a day. Sometimes the flowers will just drop off , i think it was male flower or female flower aren't being pollinated ( no male the vicinity).
Female flower have a different looking flower that look stuck to the tree, females have flowers that look stuck are being pollinated to produce fruit.
วันอังคารที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2558
season plants seedling
Seedling on the field
I till the dirt in my cassava field
with a plough tractor, as soon as that plough is in the ground. They are in a
sandy red soil. Soil is being ripped or deep tilled in this field so that
cassava trees can be planted.
seedling cassava
Dish plough the ripping is moved to
pull into the ground so that it will open up soil allowing air and water penetration.
Before that till the dirt getting covered with chicken mold or cow mold after
its completely dry in the sun. Let to it try and mix soil , your soil looks
very clay that a good idea to add some cow or chicken or pig molds dry.
The cassava plant was stem cuttings
into the ground. The plants must be place in the ground, fertilizer or
additives chemical for a little in the soil, natural with rain fall water and
plenty of sun light.
It will grow on low mountains,
temperatures goes to tropical climate it would only grow in tropical regions
and so cannot stand very cold temperatures.
You find cassava trees most
everywhere of tropical regions. They even grow cassava field on low mountains.
This cassava field variety might be good for were commercially, making product
powder cassava trade are very successful.
Cassava take produce between 12
months and 18 months to mature to full size, the leaves are turning yellow and
Seedling on the garden
I got done doing a 3x4 metres area in my backyard. I have been
working towards a till my area I have
used my dig to help by hand hoe, try and mix soil with chicken mold or cow
mold. It is hard work but a very accomplished feeling. So that can amend it, to
add in a pick to break up the soil, often have to break sod. They are typically
the easy to manage type that grow in rich soils.
The plant into loose soil with the
root deep in the ground, if you till dirt with rototiller it’s easier more hand
hoe and a safe your time.
The plant need to be outside
environment. If the weather should get too hot, supply the plants will water so
the leafs does not get burn in the sun.
When they are seedling that are
given cow molds or chicken molds dry a soluble high N fertilizer applied or
given N as a foliar drench twice weekly. One they are planted out they receive
urea and superphosphate. I’m sure this will help that grow trees easy.
Seedling on the pot
I custom made this pot re-used
plastic, that a idea renovating had a area that needed something, I do have any
small pot from root big tree. They should hold together long and strong, root
pots use have holes moisture escape.
Mix chicken mold and soil, get to
place rocks at the bottom, before adding in the pot
They are to be at direct sunlight
for 6-8 hours per day or this is too much the sun is quite hot. Also should do
water regularly.
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